
Pitfall: using var and async together

A few days ago at work, I stumbled upon a sneaky bug in our main app. The code looked innocent enough, and at first glance I couldn’t understand what was wrong… The code was similar to the following: public async Task<bool> BookExistsAsync(int id) { var store = await GetBookStoreAsync(); var book = store.GetBookByIdAsync(id); return book != null; } // For completeness, here are the types and methods used in BookExistsAsync: private Task<IBookStore> GetBookStoreAsync() { // actual implementation irrelevant // .

Publishing a package from AppVeyor to

In the last few months, I’ve been using AppVeyor CI on some of my open-source projects (along with Cake for the build scripts). I really like it, but one thing bothered me: I couldn’t find a way to manually publish packages to directly from AppVeyor. I had to download the package locally, then upload it manually from my machine (either with nuget push on the command line, or via the web form on NuGet.

Test driving C# 7 features in Visual Studio “15” Preview

About two weeks ago, Microsoft released the first preview of the next version of Visual Studio. You can read about what’s new in the release notes. Some of the new features are really nice (for instance I love the new “lightweight installer”), but the most interesting for me is that it comes with a version of the compiler that includes a few of the features planned for C# 7. Let’s have a closer look at them!

Automatically inject fakes in test fixture with FakeItEasy

Today I’d like to share a nice feature I discovered recently in FakeItEasy. When you write unit tests for a class that takes dependencies, you typically need to create fake/mock dependencies and manually inject them into the SUT (System Under Test), or use a DI container to register the fake dependencies and construct the SUT. This is a bit tedious, and a few months ago I came up with an auto-mocking Unity extension to make it easier.

Using multiple cancellation sources with CreateLinkedTokenSource

Async programming in C# used to be hard; thanks to .NET 4’s Task Parallel Library and C# 5’s async/await feature, it has become fairly easy, and as a result, is becoming much more common. At the same time, a standardized approach to cancellation has been introduced : cancellation tokens. The basic idea is that you create a CancellationTokenSource that controls the cancellation, and pass the token it provides to the method that you want to be able to cancel.

Explicitly switch to the UI thread in an async method

Async code is a great way to keep your app’s UI responsive. You can start an async operation from the UI thread, await it without blocking the UI thread, and naturally resume on the UI thread when it’s done. This is a very powerful feature, and most of the time you don’t even need to think about it; it “just works”. However, this works only if the async operation is started from a thread that has a synchronization context (such as the UI thread in Windows Forms, WPF or WinRT).

[WPF] Prevent the user from pasting an image in a RichTextBox

WPF’s RichTextBox control is quite powerful, and very handy if you need to accept rich text input. However, one of its features can become an issue: the user can paste an image. Depending on what you intend to do with the text entered by the user, you might not want that. When I googled for a way to prevent that, the only solutions I found suggested to intercept the Ctrl-V keystroke, and swallow the event if the clipboard contains an image.

Weak events in C#, take two

A few years ago, I blogged about a generic implementation of the weak event pattern in C#. The goal was to mitigate the memory leaks associated with events when you forget to unsubscribe. The implementation was based on the use of weak references to the subscribers, to allow them to be garbage collected. My initial solution was more a proof of concept than anything else, and had a major performance issue, due to the use of DynamicInvoke every time the event was raised.

C# Puzzle 2

Just another little puzzle based on an issue I had at work… Consider this piece of code : Console.WriteLine($"x > y is {x > y}"); Console.WriteLine($"!(x <= y) is {!(x <= y)}"); How would you declare and initialize x and y for the program to produce the following, apparently illogical, output? x > y is False !(x <= y) is True

How to retrieve dates as UTC in SQLite

SQLite is a nice in-process database engine: it’s very lightweight, doesn’t require any server or configuration, and runs on all platforms. There is even an official ADO.NET provider that’s very well made. However, if you store dates as UTC with this provider, you will probably encounter a serious issue: even though the date is properly stored as UTC (it’s stored in a form similar to ISO8601, with a ‘Z’ to indicate the UTC timezone), when you read it back from the database, you will get a DateTime converted to local time, with Kind = Unspecified.