

Linq performance improvements in .NET Core

By now, you’re probably aware that Microsoft released an open-source and cross-platform version of the .NET platform: .NET Core. This means you can now build and run .NET apps on Linux or macOS. This is pretty cool in itself, but it doesn’t end there: .NET Core also brings a lot of improvements to the Base Class Library. For instance, Linq has been made faster in .NET Core. I made a little benchmark to compare the performance of some common Linq methods, and the results are quite impressive:

Optimize ToArray and ToList by providing the number of elements

The ToArray and ToList extension methods are convenient ways to eagerly materialize an enumerable sequence (e.g. a Linq query) into an array or a list. However, there’s something that bothers me: both of these methods are very inefficient if they don’t know the number of elements in the sequence (which is almost always the case when you use them on a Linq query). Let’s focus on ToArray for now (ToList has a few differences, but the principle is mostly the same).