
Code Generation

Transform T4 templates as part of the build, and pass variables from the project

T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) is a great tool to generate code at design time; you can, for instance, create POCO classes from database tables, generate repetitive code, etc. In Visual Studio, T4 files (.tt extension) are associated with the TextTemplatingFileGenerator custom tool, which transforms the template to generate an output file every time you save the template. But sometimes it’s not enough, and you want to ensure that the template’s output is regenerated before build.

Running a custom tool automatically when a file is modified

As far as I can remember, Visual Studio always had something called “custom tools”, also known as single-file generators. When you apply such a tool to a file in your project, it will generate something (typically code, but not necessarily) based on the content of the file. For instance, the default custom tool for resource files is called ResXFileCodeGenerator, and generates a class that provides easy access to the resources defined in the resx file.