
Lazily resolving services to fix circular dependencies in .NET Core

The problem with circular dependencies When building an application, good design dictates that you should avoid circular dependencies between your services. A circular dependency is when some components depend on each other, directly or indirectly, e.g. A depends on B which depends on C which depends on A: It is generally agreed that this should be avoided; I won’t go into the details of the conceptual and theoretical reasons, because there are plenty of resources about it on the web.

Handling query string parameters with no value in ASP.NET Core

Query strings are typically made of a sequence of key-value pairs, like ?foo=hello&bar=world…. However, if you look at RFC 3986, you can see that query strings are very loosely specified. It mentions that query components are often used to carry identifying information in the form of “key=value” pairs But it’s just an observation, not a rule (RFCs usually have very specific wording for rules, with words like MUST, SHOULD, etc.). So basically, a query string can be almost anything, it’s not standardized.

ASP.NET Core: when environments are not enough, use sub-environments!

Out of the box, ASP.NET Core has the concept of “environments”, which allows your app to use different settings based on which environment it’s running in. For instance, you can have Development/Staging/Production environments, each with its own settings file, and a common settings file shared by all environments: appsettings.json: global settings appsettings.Development.json: settings specific to the Development environment appsettings.Staging.json: settings specific to the Staging environment appsettings.Production.json: settings specific to the Production environment With the default configuration, environment-specific settings just override global settings, so you don’t have to specify unchanged settings in every environment if they’re already specified in the global settings file.

Easy unit testing of null argument validation (C# 8 edition)

A few years ago, I blogged about a way to automate unit testing of null argument validation. Its usage looked like this: [Fact] public void FullOuterJoin_Throws_If_Argument_Is_Null() { var left = Enumerable.Empty<int>(); var right = Enumerable.Empty<int>(); TestHelper.AssertThrowsWhenArgumentNull( () => left.FullOuterJoin(right, x => x, y => y, (k, x, y) => 0, 0, 0, null), "left", "right", "leftKeySelector", "rightKeySelector", "resultSelector"); } Basically, for each of the specified parameters, the AssertThrowsWhenArgumentNull method rewrites the lambda expression by replacing the corresponding argument with null, compiles and executes it, and checks that it throws an ArgumentNullException with the appropriate parameter name.

Using foreach with index in C#

Just a quick tip today! for and foreach loops are among the most useful constructs in a C# developer’s toolbox. To iterate a collection, foreach is, in my opinion, more convenient than for in most cases. It works with all collection types, including those that are not indexable such as IEnumerable<T>, and doesn’t require to access the current element by its index. But sometimes, you do need the index of the current item; this usually leads to one of these patterns:

Handling type hierarchies in Cosmos DB (part 2)

This is the second post in a series of 2: Handling type hierarchies in Cosmos DB (part 1) Handling type hierarchies in Cosmos DB (part 2) (this post) In the previous post, I talked about the difficulty of handling type hierarchies in Cosmos DB, showed that the problem was actually with the JSON serializer, and proposed a solution using JSON.NET’s TypeNameHandling feature. In this post, I’ll show another approach based on custom converters, and how to integrate the solution with the Cosmos DB .

Handling type hierarchies in Cosmos DB (part 1)

This is the first post in a series of 2: Handling type hierarchies in Cosmos DB (part 1) (this post) Handling type hierarchies in Cosmos DB (part 2) Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft’s NoSQL cloud database. In Cosmos DB, you store JSON documents in containers. This makes it very easy to model data, because you don’t need to split complex objects into multiple tables and use joins like in relational databases.

Using TypeScript to write Cosmos DB stored procedures with async/await

Disclaimer: I am by no mean a TypeScript expert. In fact, I know very little about JS, npm, gulp, etc. So it’s entirely possible I said something really stupid in this article, or maybe I missed a much simpler way of doing things. Don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments! Azure Cosmos DB (formerly known as Azure Document DB) is a NoSQL, multi-model, globally-distributed database hosted in Azure. If you come from relational SQL databases, it’s a very different world.

Scaling out ASP.NET Core SignalR using Azure Service Bus

ASP.NET Core SignalR is a super easy way to establish two-way communication between an ASP.NET Core app and its clients, using WebSockets, Server-Sent Events, or long polling, depending on the client’s capabilities. For instance, it can be used to send a notification to all connected clients. However, if you scale out your application to multiple server instances, it no longer works out of the box: only the clients connected to the instance that sent the notification will receive it.

Google+ shutdown: fixing Google authentication in ASP.NET Core

A few months ago, Google decided to shutdown Google+, due to multiple data leaks. More recently, they announced that the Google+ APIs will be shutdown on March 7, 2019, which is pretty soon! In fact, calls to these APIs might start to fail as soon as January 28, which is less than 3 weeks from now. You might think that it doesn’t affect you as a developer; but if you’re using Google authentication in an ASP.