
[WPF] Display an animated GIF image

Note: The code in this article is out of date; the current code is hosted on GitHub. WPF is a great technology, but sometimes it seems to be missing some really basic features… A frequently mentioned example is the lack of support for animated GIF images. Actually, the GIF format itself is supported by the imaging API, but the Image control only shows the first frame of the animation. Many solutions to this problem have been proposed on technical forums and blogs, usually variations of the following approaches:

[WPF] How to bind to data when the DataContext is not inherited

The DataContext property in WPF is extremely handy, because it is automatically inherited by all children of the element where you assign it; therefore you don’t need to set it again on each element you want to bind. However, in some cases the DataContext is not accessible: it happens for elements that are not part of the visual or logical tree. It can be very difficult then to bind a property on those elements…

[Entity Framework] Using Include with lambda expressions

I’m currently working on a project that uses Entity Framework 4. Even though lazy loading is enabled, I often use the ObjectQuery.Include method to eagerly load associated entities, in order to avoid database roundtrips when I access them: var query = from ord in db.Orders.Include("OrderDetails") where ord.Date >= DateTime.Today select ord; Or if I also want to eagerly load the product: var query = from ord in db.Orders.Include("OrderDetails.Product") where ord.Date >= DateTime.

[WPF] A simpler Grid using XAML attribute syntax

The Grid control is one of the most frequently used containers in WPF. It allows to layout elements easily in rows and columns. Unfortunately the code to declare it, while simple to write, is made quite awkward by the use of the property element syntax: <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> <RowDefinition Height="5"/> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="60" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="*" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Label Content="Name" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" /> <TextBox Text="Hello world" Grid.

[C#] A simple implementation of the WeakEvent pattern

As you probably know, incorrect usage of events is one of the main causes for memory leaks in .NET applications : an event keeps references to its listener objects (through a delegate), which prevents the garbage collector from collecting them when they’re not used anymore. This is especially true of static events, because the references are kept for all the lifetime of the application. If the application often adds handlers to the event and never removes them, the memory usage will grow as long as the application runs, until no more memory is available.

Automating null checks with Linq expressions

The problem Have you ever written code like the following ? X xx = GetX(); string name = "Default"; if (xx != null && xx.Foo != null && xx.Foo.Bar != null && xx.Foo.Bar.Baz != null) { name = xx.Foo.Bar.Baz.Name; } I bet you have ! You just need to get the value of xx.Foo.Bar.Baz.Name, but you have to test every intermediate object to ensure that it’s not null. It can quickly become annoying if the property you need is nested in a deep object graph….

[VS2010] Binding support in InputBindings

THE feature that was missing from WPF ! Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 has been released last week, and it brings to WPF a long awaited feature : support for bindings in InputBindings. As a reminder, the issue in previous releases was that the Command property of the InputBinding class wasn’t a DependencyProperty, so it wasn’t possible to bind it. Furthermore, InputBindings didn’t inherit the parent DataContext, which made it difficult to provide alternative implementations…

[C# 4.0] Implementing a custom dynamic object

If you’ve been following the news about .NET, you probably know that the upcoming version 4.0 of C# introduces a new dynamic type. This type allows to access members of an object which are not statically known (at compile time). These members will be resolved at runtime, thanks to the DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime). This feature makes it easier to manipulate COM objects, or any object which type is not statically known.

[WPF] Markup extensions and templates

Note : This post follows the one about a a markup extension that can update its target, and reuses the same code. You may have noticed that using a custom markup extension in a template sometimes lead to unexpected results… In this post I’ll explain what the problem is, and how to create a markup extensions that behaves correctly in a template. The problem Let’s take the example from the previous post : a markup extension which gives the state of network connectivity, and updates its target when the network is connected or disconnected :

[WPF] Automatically sort a GridView (continued)

A few months ago, I wrote a post where I explained how to automatically sort a GridView when a column header is clicked. I had mentioned a possible improvement : add a sort glyph in the column header to show which column is sorted. In today’s post, I present a new version of the GridViewSort class, which displays the sort glyph. To achieve this result, I used an Adorner : this is a component which allows to draw over existing UI elements, on an independant rendering layer.