
Common MSBuild properties and items with Directory.Build.props

To be honest, I never really liked MSBuild until recently. The project files generated by Visual Studio were a mess, most of their content was redundant, you had to unload the projects to edit them, it was poorly documented… But with the advent of .NET Core and the new “SDK-style” projects, it’s become much, much better.

MSBuild 15 introduced a pretty cool feature: implicit imports (I don’t know if it’s the official name, but I’ll use it anyway). Basically, you can create a file named Directory.Build.props anywhere in your repo, and it will be automatically imported by any project under the directory containing this file. This makes it very easy to share common properties and items across projects. This feature is described in details in this documentation page.

For instance, if you want to share some metadata across multiple projects, just write a Directory.Build.props file in the parent directory of your projects:


    <Authors>John Doe</Authors>


You can also do more interesting things like enabling and configuring StyleCop for all your projects:


    <!-- Common ruleset shared by all projects -->

    <!-- Add reference to StyleCop analyzers to all projects  -->
    <PackageReference Include="StyleCop.Analyzers" Version="1.0.2" />
    <!-- Common StyleCop configuration -->
    <AdditionalFiles Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)stylecop.json" />


Note that the $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory) variable refers to the directory containing the current MSBuild file. Another useful variable is $(MSBuildProjectDirectory), which refers to the directory containing the project being built.

MSBuild looks for the Directory.Build.props file starting from the project directory and going up until it finds a matching file, then it stops looking. In some cases you might want to define some properties for all projects in your repo, and add some more properties in a subdirectory. To do this, the “inner” Directory.Build.props file will need to explicitly import the “outer” one:

  • (rootDir)/

  <!-- Properties common to all projects -->
  <!-- ... -->
  • (rootDir)/tests/

  <!-- Import parent -->
  <Import Project="../Directory.Build.props" />

  <!-- Properties common to all test projects -->
  <!-- ... -->

The documentation mentions another approach, using the GetPathOfFileAbove function, but it didn’t seem to work when I tried… Anyway, I think using a relative path is easier to get right.

Using implicit imports brings the following benefits:

  • smaller project files, since common properties and items can be factored to common properties files.
  • single point of truth: if all projects reference the same package, the version to reference is defined in a single place; no more inconsistencies!

It also has a drawback: Visual Studio doesn’t care about where a property or item comes from, so if you change a property or a package reference from the IDE (using the project properties pages or NuGet Package Manager), it will be changed in the project file itself, rather than the Directory.Build.props file. The way I see it, it’s not a major issue, because I got into the habit of editing the projects manually rather than using the IDE features, but it might be annoying for some people.

If you want a real-world example of this technique in action, have a look at the FakeItEasy repository, where we use multiple Directory.Build.props files to keep the project files nice and clean.

Note that you can also create a Directory.Build.targets file, following the same principles, to define common build targets.